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Storytelling, Savvy Design, Etcetera.
Specialized Forte: User
a. Empathy Stories,
b. Needs,
c. Pain Points.
d. Journeys.
e. Solutions.
f. Satisfaction.

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Shane JC: HCDI & UXDE:
<< All Things & a Few In-between Design Thinking (xyz)PERIENCE >>
Brush-bio: QR Code

Subject: ‘The Lotus Informational Architecture (IA) Modality (i.e., aka L.I.A.M.(sm)) Framework (i.e., aka L.I.A.M.F. (sm)).
Subheading: Applied unto Optimizing Human Design Systems, Etcetera.
Contextualization: Administrative, Educational, Instructional, Operations,
S.T.E.M. and S.T.E.A.M., Design, Design Thinking, Agile UX/UI, IA, Scrum,
Etcetera, and Etcetera Contextualization.
Footnote: Virtual Gift Towards the Legacy and Posterity of
Humanity-UX Design Kind.
Copyright© 2023-2035 Shane JC, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.
International rights are preserved, protected, and honored.
Relevant Platforms:
a) DOI:
b) Publication Date: August 2023.
a) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15676.00641.
b) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31761.81766.
c) Publication Date: 1. August 2023. 2. September 2023.
Community: Sincerely hope you are having a more than rejuvenating day, afternoon, evening, night, etcetera. By the way, how was your week? How is your day going so far? Restful. Relaxational? Rejuvenating? Agitating? Vexating? Whatever it might be, take time to prioritize you, your most invaluable asset!
Anyway, let’s proceed. After all, time on the weekend is too precious to invest, to exhaust frivolously. Right? Great.
This interactive posting is expected to benefit the community by sharing, or divulging what is expected to add value with significance unto our vast socio-cultural fabric-framework.
Note: this novel design and development framework-modality is a continued work-in-progress. As the document is uploaded unto the various social media, academia, and research-driven platforms, is to provide a visual and written documentation of each iterative stage of what is to become the summative and completed apparatus.
What (you) are looking at, incidentally -- i.e., uploaded images, entail the "Dr. Shane Jaycee's UX Design -- Lotus Informational Architecture (IA), Framework-Modality (sm) -- L.I.A.M. and L.I.A.M.F.."

Image 1: 'i' Triangulation Mode.
Image 2: Organical Lotus Plant
Image 3: Juggling Pain Points, Etcetera.
Image 4: Molecular Activity.
Image 5: Seen and Unseen Light Frequncy.
Image 7: Lotus IA Modality.
Image 6: Aspects of LIAM/LIAMF.

Image 8: Fibonacci Illustration.

Image 9: 6 Aspects of LIAM/LIAMF.

Central theme: Empathetically Designing [[ beyond ]] the conventional albeit cutting-edge Matrix hierarchical framework and modality.
Lotus-centered Quote: "Be like the #lotus. Trust in the #light. Grow through the #dirt. Believe in new beginnings." -Anonymous, n.d.
Timeless Takeaways: (i.e., Two Main Pillars).
No. 1: Light Application-Contextualization: Aesthetical.
No. 2: Dirt Application Contextualization: Functional/Useful.
Now, moving a few steps further, when striving to craft -- i.e., innovate, design and/or develop, cutting-edge user experiences, one must never rush the process.
For each iterative stage regardless of how advance, how sophisticated, or on the opposing end of the spectrum, how mundane and simple it might appear to be – i.e., perceiving with the naked visual access faculties, must be permitted to mature in an organical fashion-manner.
Note: the attached images, illustration which appear preceding forth, these serve as mere images, and illustration that represent the rudiments of this novel and cutting-edge system.
Thank you for your time and undivided attention.
If there are any questions, just contact (us). Well, there is me! Trusted ally and colleague.
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